The Agenda Trade Show is where the skate, surf, and skate & surf lifestyle companies go to show off their new goods to the retail shop buyers. The show is held a few times a year, twice in Long Beach, in January and again in July. the following are photos from yesterday. We were also here for the show back in January, click here for the blog post.

Dusters skateboards Booth.

GoPro's booth.

Showing off their newest soon-to-be on sale camera: GoPro HERO4 Session

Here it is with the new Kung-Fu grip mount. This is going to be excellent for those boxing match POV shots.

Plus, a few Gopro accessory companies were on hand with various creative mounts for Gopros.

Over at the Vans' booth, while business was being handled inside the booth, outside the booth Steve Van Doran was cooking up waffles for everyone.

Steve is always happy.

Zoo York booth.

At the Uppercut Deluxe/Z-Flex booth, skate legend Eric Dressen fresh from getting his hair cut by Shane Nesbitt.
"When we are kids or adults alike, there are always people we look up to for one reason or another, could be basketball players, baseball players, musicians, politicians, dancers or in my case, skateboarders. One of the guys in looked up to as a kid was Eric Dressen, dude had the best style, indelible fluidity, and an uncanny ability to wiggle through the streets on a skateboard. Today for whatever reason, he decided to come get his haircut by me and it was an absolute honor. When you finally meet someone you have held in such high regard for so long and they are everything you had expected and more, it makes the wait well worth it. One of the most humble, down to earth, righteous brothers I have ever met. Good times Eric and man, it was a fucking honor." - Shane Nesbitt

Speaking of Dressen, here's some of the new Dogtown decks with his old graphics.

Jim and Mike Muir in the Dogtown Suicidal booth.

New Dogtown wheels with names and graphics of streets in Santa Monica

The H-Street booth displayed some re-issue classic decks.

and some new ones.

A few months ago, we scanned and posted some old H-street newsletters from the early 1990's ( check out the high resolution scans in this blog post ). We brought this 1993 H-Street newsletter to the H-Street booth for Tony Magnusson to check out.

Deathwish decks..

Mobile surfboard making trailer?

This dog was just so happy to be there.

Samoan tattoo legend Su'a Petelo creating artwork for a longboard at the KahunaCreations booth. Did you know that Kahuna Creations invented the patented land paddle in 2006? Land paddling is the ultimate cross trainer to paddleboarding. Kahuna Land Paddling combines the smoothest riding longboards with world class land paddles. Did you also know that you can save 15% at KahunaCreations.com with promo code: STOKED.

See told you, check out KahunaCreations.com.

Selfie time!!!!!!! Famous Stars & Stripes booth girl Sydney likes to update her social media throughout the day.

A lot of sock companies nowadays.

Some new decks with classic graphics.

The famous Jim Phillips Screaming Hand was walking around.

Playboy clothing was there with a booth.

What happens when you don't have someone watching your booth.

Nice Sector9 board.

Salesman at work.

Sometimes, the simplier booths are the most interesting.

There was also some skating going on outside the convention center. Next blog post will have that. Several more photos of inside the show in the gallery: Agenda Show Gallery
Meanwhile, some other stuff of interest:

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