Part 4 of a look into a collection of various skateboarding memorabilia from the late 1980s and early 1990s.

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This is a photocopied picture of Christian Hosoi that was given out at a Jimmy'Z demo at Val Surf in North Hollywood, CA back in the summer of 1987. It's from a Jimmy'z ad that was in one of the skate magazines, Val surf put their business card on it and made photocopies of it to give out. These were given out for Hosoi to autograph. Hosoi did sign this one, and as with most of his autographs back then, he added the year. After being proudly displayed for awhile, this photo ended up stashed in a Thrasher Magazine that was tossed in a box with other old skate mags and stored away for two decades.
Ended up finding this when pulling out the old collection of skate magazines a few weeks ago. Brought it to the Agenda Trade Show to show to Christian. Caught him outside and he immediately recognized the shot.

"Backside 360 Judo Air!", he said, "My signature sure has changed a bit since then." as he updated the old photo with a new autograph and the current date.

Hopefully, I'll have him sign this photo again in another 20 years.

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Previous entries:
Part 1: Vintage Skate Magazines, Catalogs, & Newsletters Overview
Part 2: California Cheap Skates Catalog
Part 3: H-Street Newsletters
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