During the 2013 U.S. Open Of Surfing, everyone was startled by the appearance of the Despicablimp. It pretty much appeared out of nowhere, and to many on the sand and in the surf stadium stands, it looked as if it was going to hit the pier.

As the Dispicablimp circled the pier a couple times, it was clear it was just the forced perspective that made the blimp look like it was so close. "About 1/2 mile out from the pier" was the distance Dispicablimp pilot Allen Judd says he was. "I knew if I kept low enough there would be some photographer out there that would realize what I was doing". what Allen was doing was creating a great photo opportunity, unfortunately on the blimps first pass, there just were no waves, but on the second time around, Nat Young got a wave and rode it just was the Dispicablimp was flying low enough behind him to make for a killer shot.
We won't be seeing the Dispicablimp at this year's Open, but Allen pilots blimps year round, so he might make another flyby.
We won't be seeing the Dispicablimp at this year's Open, but Allen pilots blimps year round, so he might make another flyby.